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- Create Date January 22, 2024
- Last Updated March 3, 2024
Bod Meeting Minutes 01-22-24
Notes: Board Member - Delmar Improvement Association meeting 1/22/24
● Gwen Rayka -present
● Teresa Davis - present
● Craig Davis - present
● Sue Connolly -present
● Allison Hammerstad -present
● Kitty Giblin -present
● Debi Prelaske -present
● Kurt Moon -present
● Ron Torrey -present
1. Discussion of financial management:
a. Duick & Company. Update on signed contract, agreement, and payment owed to
them and other needs from BOA. Duick should be sending a quarterly financial
statement so that financial statements can be posted on the website.
b. Online Assessment Capability. Kurt updated online bank account and set up
Zelle payments. Discussion is needed about moving forward with online payments,
or just having members mail payments to Duick and Company. The listing of those
payments will then be provided to Duick per Gwen or Kurt by May 1st.
Gwen talked with Duick - Duick needs someone to sit down face to face to develop
a strategic itinerary and sign a contract. They are also going to need access to the
bank account for monthly statements for the ledger.
Teresa will contact Mel from Duick to set up a Zoom to have meeting with them. In
addition, she will work on generating a list with all Delmar accounts for Duick to
bring the budget up to date.
Teresa contacting Duick this week about mailing of payments - to be in Delmar
name. To arrange for depositing of payments and tracking, monitoring of
delinquent list. Discuss if the delinquent list should be tracked by BOA.
2. Delmar Newsletter. Draft reviewed with the discussion of mailing process and revisions
before March 1st. deadline. An email will also go out to residents with the attached
Newsletter in April as a second reminder.
Craig and Teresa are sponsoring a new flag for Delmar this year. Mentioned the
possibility of having a different family each year sponsor a flag.
Updated the following
- Beach passes will be for pick up at the May meeting.
- Adding that 3 board members' terms are up this year.
- Updating transponder information - If your transponder has not been activated. You
have one final chance to activate your transponder by Memorial day or it will be
deactivated. To activate please email delmar@outlook.com.
Back page Newsletter changes:
- crossing off circle appropriate answer about setting up transponder
- Change to permanent” mailing” addresses
- No Zelle payments - no online payment method available
- Put in the newsletter that an engineering firm has given a proposal to develop a plan
to update storm water discharge at the beach. The cost is $7,000 to develop a plan.
- Put in newsletter to look at website to preview bylaws and reviews the changes prior
to the May meeting.
3. Properties for Sales. Discussion of quarterly dates to have this updated and when to
send letters out. Debi is filling out a tracking sheet and sending the Welcome Letter to
new residents.
Debi has sent out 6 letters so far. Debi needs to go into Drive and update the tracking
sheet with new owners' names.
4. Bylaws Committee. Review bylaw changes sent out by Debi.
Motion to accept changes made by Gwen, Kurt 2nd, Kitty 3rd Changes accept
For web print up new changes and put on website
5. Beach Passes - Discussion of Permanent Pass. Sue has found a window hanger that
could have a Delmar sticker attached to it to hang on the mirror. Discussion of handing
out a “parking ticket” if we do not see a sticker.
Discussion of making your own placard versus buying a vinyl sticker. Putting into
newsletter - about issuance of passes at meeting. Will discuss the passes at meeting.
Boat Launch Transponders. Kurt is making an Excel spreadsheet to list verified
ownership and anyone that has not activated their transponder with him will be
disabled come spring.
Only half people have had Kurt turn them on- 4 opportunities to get verified and activated.
Members of the association are given ONE last opportunity to do so before Memorial Day or
they will be deactivated.
Kurt is making excel spreadsheet of transponders #s and members names before the May
Beach Storm Water Discharge Update. Any updates from Cardinal Engineering will be
discussed. Updates from Miller Scientists and Engineering.
Update from Miller Scientists and Engineers. They will not do any diggings. They will come
down and do a survey and contact Carindal to get velocities. They will develop an engineering
plan. That cost is $7000. Extra cost for the project engineer is $150 an hour.
Kurt will call the township, county and DNR to see if they need a permit for the work to be
done and discuss what information they will need and what limitations there could potentially
be for the project. Information about the engineering firm development plan proposal is to be
put in the newsletter.
Gwen brings a motion to hire miller engineering
Kurt noted that before making a second motion would like to talk to township, county and DNR
first. AS soon as we get more info, the board will be updated and we can do 2nd and 3rd
8 Parks & Lake Committee. Any other information or updates that need to be discussed.
Ron is talking to Austin Pier Service about their proposal. Ron will get the raft repaired when
the weather warms up.
9. Board Members Terms. Gwen, Kitty and Sue’s terms are up in 2024.
_ Announcement made in newsletters