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  • Create Date February 29, 2024
  • Last Updated February 29, 2024

Board Meeting Minutes


604 Sutter Avenue • Delavan, Wisconsin 53115 • www.delmardelavan.com 

AGENDA: Board Member - Delmar Improvement Association Sent per email for feedback discussion 11/18/23

  • Gwen Rayka Present
  • Teresa Davis Present
  • Craig Davis
  • Sue Connolly Present
  • Allison Hammerstad Present
  • Kitty Giblin - Present
  • Debi Prelaske Present
  • Kurt Moon Present
  • Ron Torrey
  1. Discussion of financial management: The executive staff of Gwen and Kurt will be overseeing all invoices. Gwen has set up those accounts that can be set up as auto-pay. The checkbook if managed by Teresa will need to be approved by Gwen and Kurt to avoid errors. All invoices are Being loaded on the DIA BOD Google Drive under the folder marked Invoices 2023.
  2. Auditors: .The financials will be posted quarterly on the web. Gwen and Kurt will be the direct communication to auditors. The auditors will provide Sue Connolly by email a quarterly statement on November 1st. For posting to the web.
  3. In the March Newsletter, we will post information on mailing assessment to Duick and Company, and directions for Zelle Payments. Zelle payments will be set up with the bank, and a listing of those payments will then be provided to auditors per Gwen and Kurt by May 1st. The newsletter will be drafted in January by the Communications committee and approved by BOD for mailing before March 1st. deadline. An email will also go out to residents with the attached Newsletter in April as a second reminder.

-Gwen is reaching out to Duick about a signed contract and agreement, payment owed to them, and how they would like to access financial information in the future. In addition, if they could prepare a quarterly financial statement for us so it can be posted on the web? Also discussing Zelle payments to them for spring assessments. 

-Teresa is handling deposits and checks out and sending invoices to Duick. 

-Gwen is handling expenses mailed/emailed to her and sending invoices to Duick.

-Kurt is reaching out to Mark at Town Bank to discuss setting up an online bank account, and payments with Zelle for assessments. 

  1. Properties for Sales. Propose that the Transition of Property Letter, and Welcome Letter, go out to properties for sale. These are attached but also loaded on Google Drive under Real Estate 2023-2024. Sue created a Tracking sheet also loaded on Google Drive, for monitoring. This function should be managed by the Real Estate Committee. (Gwen and Teresa) Teresa as you have been receiving the information can you manage this consistently - perhaps every quarter using a tracking tool and updating to Google Drive?

Sue has made a Welcome Letter for new buyers and a seller letter. Debi is going to fill out a tracking sheet and send out Welcome Letters to new residents. Debi will update the Delmar Contact List quarterly. 

  1. Google@drive: a quick overview. Appropriate management of documents means that they have to be loaded in the appropriate folder. You have all been provided a Google Drive instruction sheet for your reference. Google Drive documents should be loaded

By Allison such as meeting minutes and agendas of residents meetings. Sue, Teresa, Gwen, and Allison have editing abilities to load documents. 

  1. New delmardelavan@outlook.com can be used for correspondence and is now going To be referenced on the web after the November updates. The communication board will manage this email site. Sue will email Allison and Teresa accordingly and cc Gwen/Kurt on any communication issues or concerns addressed by our residents.
  2. Please review the web changes as previously sent to you, which have been revised with past feedback. Web changes are also loaded to Google Drive for your reference. This will go out to the web for the updates later this week as you have all previewed per email.

The website has been updated

  1. Committees please refer to the attached committee listing. Please email back any changes. Please review and send back any questions or concerns. Also if the Committee Chairs would like to list any volunteers to update their list, please

Email back this information to Sue Connolly and she can update and load it to Google Drive.  

Teresa added to the Financial Committee and Debi added to the Real Estate Committee. 

  1. The Bylaws Committee is listed on Google Drive as well as the changes we have previously proposed. Past members who should be part of this committee are Deb, Gwen, Kurt, and Sue. Deb is to set up a meeting to discuss changes needed along

with any volunteers for this committee. We need to complete it before the May meeting for voting and resident review. 

Debi is looking over the Bylaws again and creating a list of anything that stands out to her to review or tweak for the next meeting. 

  1. Delinquency update: Kim mailed out the approved letter for delinquency (on Google DIA BOD drive) There was one error where a letter was sent out on a non-delinquent case. This data was based on the July data that MPC provided.

A Google Drive folder was created on delinquency. Sue created a tracking sheet of Current delinquency and payments. Sue also looked at the current property listing to see if there was any delinquency. Kim was provided updates on this and will ask her to maintain the tracking sheet. Teresa could you continue to send to Sue and Kim any payments and Kim Boettcher at accounting@mecoelectrical.com 

Please respond via email with concerns or agreement and then we can move forward.

Extra Discussion:

Beach Passes - Discussed the possibility of handing out a “parking ticket” if we do not see a sticker. Also discussed was the possibility of using something other than a beach pass such as a vinyl sticker to give to residents. But we decided to table this discussion until next year after researching and discussing some more ideas.

Kurt updated that only 50% of people with boat launch transponders showed up last year. He will be making an Excel spreadsheet to list verified ownership and anyone who has not activated their transponder with him will be disabled come spring. 

Kurt also touched base with Emily from Cardinal Engineering to discuss possible solutions. She will be pulling up the Walworth County GIS and other resources. After hearing back from her we can go forward with planning and proposing how to fix where the pipe ended to prevent changing our property.

Next Board Meeting Date will be Monday, January 22nd at 5 pm. A possible location would be the Aram Public Library.

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