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- Create Date October 2, 2024
- Last Updated October 2, 2024
Delmar End Of Year Meeting Minutes 2024
Meeting Minutes: Delmar Improvement Association End Of Year Meeting 2024
- Call to Order
Meeting Start Time: 10:02 am (Meeting not to exceed 2 hours)
Roll Call:
Kurt Moon / President - present
Ron Torrey/ Vice President - excused
Teresa Davis/ Treasurer - present
Allison Meinel / Secretary - present
Craig Davis - present
Kitty Giblin - present
Debi Prelaske - present
Bryant Meinel - present
Paula Beanes - absent
Declaration of a Quorum (Regular Business - 25 Members including Proxy Votes)
Between the members present and proxy votes, quorum was/not met # present: 37
- Review of Minutes:
Review and approval of annual meeting minutes of 5/4/24 as posted on the web and kiosks.
Motion for approval for minutes of 5/4/2024 by: Kurt Moon
2nd motion by: Teresa Davis
Majority Vote: Approval of Meeting Minutes of 5/4/24
- Correspondence (Board member to present a synopsis of any written correspondence)
- Discussion of Big Foot Park District utilizing beach for kayak launch site
○ Kurt discussed the approval of letting BF use the beach and the stipulations that were given
to BF
■ Members thoughts on this were:
- Members felt that other non-members should not be utilizing
beach area
- Members suggested if we pursue this in the future there should be
a wavier that the park district has to sign to have on file and send to
our insurance
- A question came up about why BF was using Delmar and what if
other park districts asked
○ A member of the BF Park District knows a member in
Delmar. The answer to other park districts that don’t have a
connection to Delmar would be turned away
- Who would legally be responsible if something happened
○ Park District would be due to waiver
- Question on if an adult is supervising
○ Yes, BF Park District supervisor is present
- Suggestion for a written restriction that if there is no cleanup
/problem the agreement is void and cannot continue further
- Member asked to question to the member for why not using
community beach
○ Kurt will reach out to that member to answer the question
and provide update
- Kurt motioned for a vote to pursue this topic of BF Park District
utilizing the beach if it were to come up again:
○ Yes: 31
○ No: 6
- Painting of Sutter Park
○ Painted Sutter Park in May 2024 and afterward received negative comments for
the appearance
○ Discussion of how spring cleanup days have been unsuccessful in participation
by residents and then often get complaints about the work that is done
■ As a result, if residents continue not to show up to help, this work will be
hired out and will be paid for out of the budget
- Committee Reports:
Financial Committee:
- Treasurer Report by Teresa Davis - Overview of current financial reports. Discussion of
payment methods for 2025 (online payment option).
■ With our bank we are looking to add a Zelle payment option through a QR
code in the newsletter for next year for dues collection. Cash and Checks
will still be available as well
■ Regarding payments - we have had 5 NSF checks
- Checks get reprocessed twice by the bank and the bank chargers us for
that. When checks are NSF there is a $40 charge that goes back
onto the member to cover the bank and collection fees.
- We are also looking at a process that if a member writes an NSF
check their next payment would need to be a money order/cash to
reduce bank fees that fall back on the subdivision
■ Delinquency Officer Update: Delmar’s delinquency officer has sent out
about 55 delinquency letters to members and has been working hard on
collecting past-due payments. We started with 65 members on the
delinquency list are down to 51 members.
- From this we did set up one payment plan contract with a member.
They will pay a monthly payment (or more if able) in the next 9
months. The board expressed they are willing to work with other
members to set up a payment plan to collect past dues.
■ Teresa provided an update on working budget she has set up utilizing a
program. This program has provided her with the ability to when she
makes a payment it tracks what part of the budget is coming from.
Overall, it will allow us to prepare our budget to be more concise and
easier to project our costs.
- Gave example of insurance – our insurance bill was higher than
we budgeted for so it will allow us to adjust accordingly next year.
- Update on Duick Accounting Firm
■ We are working with Duick to adjust reporting and customer balance
forms to make more user-friendly for the secretary, treasurer, and
delinquency officer.
■ We are working on the ability to photo deposit checks with our
accountant. This would make the process of payment quick. It would have a
minimal cost to the subdivision and we could budget for it under bank fees
each year
Bylaws Committee:
- No Updates - Amended May 2024
○ Member raised a question about needed to change bylaws for kayak launch
usage at the beach
■ Other members responded that if we put it in bylaws, it restricts use as a
subdivision more. The way we are doing it now it can be stopped right
away and not have to be voted on.
■ Additionally every time we change bylaws we have to pay a lawyer
Communications Committee:
- The Delmar Annual Newsletter and assessment information packet will go out per mail in
March 2025. To consolidate mailing we will be mailing only one newsletter per tax key. If
you are not able to attend the annual meeting to pick up your beach passes and would
like them mailed please send a stamped SAE (self-addressed envelope) with your dues.
○ Informed about the possibility of a QR code with Zelle payment
○ Showed example of sending envelope for members needing passes that cannot
make meeting and how this information will be shared in the Annual Newsletter.
■ The goal is to get those passes sent out before Memorial Day for
members who send a stamped SAE.
- This summer we have provided monthly emails/newsletters to update residents on
projects, issues, and other things going on in the subdivision. We encourage members to
provide us with an email address to continue to enhance communication as we move
○ A member asked if it would be helpful to gain information from other
residents to learn more about other things going on in the subdivision
■ Gave example of announcing the last day for yard waste clean-up
or things happening at community beach.
○ We will work towards including more information about Delavan Township
and if any member has something they would like to be added to the
monthly newsletter in the summer this can be sent to the Delmar BOD
- If you need to contact a board member please use the following email address:
- Other updates per the director
○ A member asked if we had a Neighborhood Chat – we currently do not. A
resident suggested using next door app to post information onto.
○ Member commented to consider changing our Facebook webpage to have a
private group and public page. This would allow for members to post
comments/questions. Allison will look into seeing if this is possible.
Beach Committee:
- Discussion of beach passes, maintenance, pier service & repairs. We would like to plan
a Lake Improvement Day in the Spring for work at the beach
- Updates per the director
○ Updates to the beach included: 2 new no wake buoys, fixed the swim ladder, Jim
and Ron did our swim raft, Williams dumped new sand in the playground areas in
spring and also re-graveled the walkway, painting the portico, kiosks, benches
and railings
○ Reese Aquatics came out twice this year to reduce seaweed
■ Members questioned other ways of wanting to clean up seaweed and not
knowing where to throw it
■ Kitty explained that if we make piles of seaweed on the beach it never
goes back out into the water
■ If you make piles on the beach, they get smelly and do not decompose
fast enough and we would have to pay someone to remove it
■ The Sanitary district will come to the pier if call them and let them know we
have a pile to pick up
- The issue with that is having to bring it up onto the pier and in the
meantime if residents see it piled up, they will push it into the water
before it has a chance to get picked up
■ Overall consensus is to leave the seaweed and let nature take care of it
because it will pass and eventually go back out into the lake
○ 3rd week in November is when Austin will remove the pier
○ Member mentioned noticing lots of goose feces on the pier and suggested the
possibility of putting out a pier owl, whirly birds, or trying to mount a flag to see if
that helps to determine geese from the pier
○ Member mentioned removing/trimming pear trees at the beach by boat launch so
that the branches are not rubbing on boats
○ For next year we would like to place a sign on the benches on pier stating
“Member Only Private Pier” to deter non-members from docking their boat at our
pier or visiting our beach
Park Committee:
- We would like to plan a Park Improvement Day this in the Spring for work at the park
- Updates per the director
○ On May 11th we hosted a spring clean-up for the park from 10am-12pm. During
this time we spread mulch, painted equipment, and trimmed trees in the park.
■ Only member that showed up were board members and one other couple
■ Expressed that the more people that arrive the sooner things get done
and the more cost-saving it is.
■ Looking at scheduling one for next year May 10th from 10 am-12 pm.
○ Additional updates to the park included:
■ Basketball court – blacktopped, resurfaced, and lines painted
■ Donation of a new pickleball court
- The member that donated around $40,000 for the new pickleball
the court approached the board about the association about
contributing $5,000 as a way to show buy in for the new pickleball
court. This money would come from a capital improvement
budgeted item.
○ Teresa provided an update on how we have the money
now in our savings to make this payment this year, but was
wanting to keep it safe to continue fixing the beach
drainage and other items that may arise this year and
would like to put it in the budget for next year
○ Some members felt uncomfortable or against letting
$5,000 go towards a pickleball court. Some members felt it
would be more beneficial to break the $5,000 up into
smaller payments throughout a couple of years.
○ Upon making the budget for next year the finance
the committee will discuss the amount to budget towards
this for next year and members can vote on the budget in
○ A member suggested putting up a sign near the pickleball
court that says members only in the future once the project is
■ Craig provided an update that the dirt pile will be removed once the
project to the pickleball court in complete. The company will be using the
dirt to fix ruts and do the final grading. Then the dirt will be used to fill
holes in the park. The rest of the dirt will be removed by Chuck Williams
- Members are welcome to take a pale or two of dirt if needed
■ Planting of new trees, hostas, and day lilies that were donated by
■ A member paid for the power washing of the pavilion
- The plan moving forward to sweep down cobwebs and place
money for power washing of the pavilion every other year into
budget for maintenance.
■ Redid horseshoe pits in early spring
■ In June a large tree is Sutter Park had ¼ limb come down during a storm.
Ginner Tree service came out and recommended removing the rest of the
tree due to instability
- We received three quotes for tree removal stump grinding and
will be placing that in the budget for 2025.
○ Last yard pickup for Delavan Township is October 7th – We would like to do one
final fall cleanup at the park to trim trees. That date will be Saturday, October 5th
starting at 10 am. This information will also be put on Facebook and emailed out
to members.
- Old Business:
- a) Update: Beach Drainage Pipe Project (update given by Kurt Moon)
○ Batterman took most of the summer to gather information due to a lack of cooperation
from the township
○ The Township expressed that they have no as-built plans for work done on south
shore which has caused the engineering firm issues.
○ Currently the engineering firm has determined lots lines, but they do not know
what is under the ground so they will need to probe under the pipelines to find out
what it there and what the size is along with pitches and grades.
■ 2 companies gave bid a bid for the camera probing: one was for $ 2,850
and the other was $ 5,250. The engineering firm said either would give what
they need so we will be going with $2,850. From this, they will come up
with 2 different plans to present to the township, DNR, and county.
■ So far one 1/3 of the work has been completed that we have budgeted for
with Batterman. We have paid them $3,664.25 out of the $9,000 that was
budgeted for and we will be giving them the go-ahead to get pipe scoped.
This should occur in early October to mid-October
○ Member asked a question “If the pipe fails and we do nothing what would
happen?” Craig explained past issues and said there cancel of losing the hill and
it could undercut the boat launch and cause damage. Craig explained past issues.
Members suggested taking videos of velocity of water coming out of drainage
pipe and suggested that members showing up at meeting to express their
■ Suggestion of putting out in newsletter information about the meetings at
township so members are notified of when to attend.
- b) Transmitters (update given by Kurt Moon)
- Kurt reported that just about everyone is done with transmitters being activated
- If transmitters not activated by next spring, there will be a $20 activation fee for
- This process has allowed us to have list of transmitters with who has what transmitter
o Kurt reported the board has access to list of transmitters
- c) Management of liens (update given by Teresa Davis)
○ Teresa reported that we have delinquency officer working hard to collect past
○ Mentioned of in future putting out collection fee due to the time and resources
needed to track delinquent members down for their debts.
○ The charges for NSF go towards bank fees and allotting money to go towards the
delinquency officer that is helping collect this money
- New Business
- Discussion of forming a Subdivision Engagement Committee – the purpose of forming
this committee would be centered around getting a group of residents together that
would be interested in organizing events that help increase engagement within our
subdivision and bring fun events to the subdivision.
○ Craft Show & Subdivision Rummage Sale for next year 2025 dates.
■ Discussed that committee would help choose dates for these events.
○ Subdivision Picnic
■ Discussed that the committee would help choose dates/activities for this
○ Chili Cook-Off on November 9th
■ Will have to sign up at the end of the meeting and have a sign up for
participants emailed out members
○ 4th of July Parade
■ Looking for members that would like to help organize this next year
- Other comments/suggestions for subdivision
○ A suggestion of putting this committee sign-up/information into the newsletter
for members who could not attend the meeting
○ Changing the Delmar Meeting signs to not say alternative meeting place is the
Town Hall.
- Upcoming meetings
Annual Meeting for 2025 will be held on 5/3/25 at the Park Pavilion at 10 am.
- Motion to Adjourn
Motion to adjourn the meeting: Catherine Gilbin 2nd Motion by: Kurt Moon
The meeting adjourned at: 11:19 am