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Delmar 05-04-24 Meeting Minutes


604 Sutter Avenue • Delavan, Wisconsin 53115 • www.delmardelavan.com 

Agenda: Delmar Improvement Association Annual Meeting 2024
1. Call to Order
Meeting Start Time _10:04__(Meeting not to exceed 2 hours)
Roll Call:
Kurt Moon /Vice President and Acting President - present
Allison Hammerstad / Secretary - present
Sue Connolly - present
Craig Davis - excused
Kitty Giblin - excused
Debi Prelaske - present
Teresa Davis - present
Ron Torrey - present

Declaration of a Quorum (Regular Business - 25 Members including Proxy Votes)
Between the members present and proxy votes quorum was/not met. # present >25

2. Review of Minutes:
Review and approve of year end minutes of 9/23/23 as posted on the web.
Motion for approval for minutes of 9/23/2023 by: Teresa Davis
2nd by: Jill Parrish

3. Committee Reports:
Financial Committee:
● Annual Budget 2024 Review and Approval : Please refer to the budget emailed to you,
or posted on the website, and kiosk.
○ Teresa provided update on budget – talked about assessment income and will
get a more accurate one (26,523.55) – anticipated 47,850 = 51,030 total income
○ Teresa provided members with a balance in bank account
○ Kurt provided update on checking account and wanting to put it into an interest
savings account
○ Questions about beach increase and drainage pipe
■ A member had requested that we place approval financial budget at the
end after hearing reports from each committee about the increases in the
○ Motion to approve budget – Ron Torrey
○ 2nd Kurt Moon
○ >25 budget approved - majority

Bylaws Committee:
● There are a few bylaws that the board would like to update. Please refer to the changes
that were emailed to you, or posted on the website, and kiosk.
● Member’s discussion and vote to adopt the proposed Bylaw changes. A Quorum of 40
Members including Proxy votes must be met (Per Bylaw 3.3)
○ Few clarifying questions about Google Drive cost & the mailing of Annual
Assessments and Meetings Minutes
■ The mailing of annual assessments will remain the same
■ It was explained annual meeting minutes are on posted on the website,
Facebook, in kiosk (located at the beach and park)
■ Notes from board meetings will be saved in Google Drive
■ Quorum for Bylaws was met >40
■ Motion to approval bylaws 1st – Sharilyn Stanley
■ 2nd Sue Connolly
■ Passed – majority rules

Communications Committee:
● The Delmar Newsletter and assessment information packet was mailed out to all
members in March. To consolidate mailing we will be mailing only one newsletter per tax
key. We encourage you to provide us with an email address to enhance communication
as we move forward. You can update your information on the log sheet following the
● Other updates per the director
○ Sue provides update about Delmar newsletters continuing to go out in March
○ Email blast update – expressed to members that it important to keep email
addresses updated
○ Explained that if members needed to contact board of directors about
issues/concerns they would need to use the Delmar email via website. It was
explained that we do not provide direct emails on website due to scams/phishing
issues in the past.
○ Member communicated that he had not been receiving emails from Delmar
Email. It was advised that they members need to check spam folder and also find
out how to add “Delmar email” to safe senders list so that it wouldn’t be blocked.
○ Member asked a clarifying question about how we could communicate or know
when the pier is put it each year. Ron explained that Austin Pier provides us with
April 1st is the target date (weather dependent), but that they last date it would
get put in is April 15th. This is maybe something we could consider posting to
Facebook page or send in email blast in the future once we know a date for piers
being put in.
Real Estate Committee:
● Updates per the director – No updates were needed to give.

Beach Committee:
● Discussion of beach passes, raft update, pier service. Plan for Lake Improvement Day
following this meeting. Please join us with your gardening tools to help weed, plant and
some painting. Any help would be appreciated. We would like to plan another day in the
Fall for work at the beach, sign up is on the table.
● Updates per the director
○ Kitty was absent – Kurt provided update
○ We had asked members about what their thoughts were on having a beach pass
or not and through discussion it was evident that members still want the beach
○ Discussion of different method of a beach pass and members stated they liked
the idea of the traditional paper pass vs sticker pass or placard that hangs on
○ Member provided a suggestion about beach pass pick up – stated that if
members could not physically be present to pick up beach passes, giving the
option for them to send envelope with stamp and then we mail beach passes to
○ Raft Update. Ron provided update on what he did to redo raft and discussed
future maintenance ideas. Ron suggested that in the fall we sand off paint on pier
and add a stain. Further discussion to be at the end of the year meeting.
○ Lake Improvement Day – post-poned for further date. Will send out a blast email
and place in kiosk with future date.
■ Kurt discussed painting of pavilion, tables, and kiosk.
○ Teresa mentioned donation of flag – discussed painting of flag pole
■ Kurt will donate flag for next year
■ Member mentioned wanting a larger flag

Park Committee:
● Updates per the director
○ Teresa provided update
■ Park Mowing Discussed
■ Planting of 4 pine trees in pine tree area
■ Ball Field has been too moist to work with right now – but will be raked
■ Work Day for Park May 11 – spreading mulch – pick up. Clean up siding,
painting playground equipment.
■ Horseshoe Pit – will be ready to play on this afternoon
■ Update – Quote for seal coat on basketball court – fill cracks and painting
lines for basketball court and paint pickleball court lines as well ~400
dollars to do this.

3. Correspondence (Board members may present a synopsis of any written correspondence)
- Teresa provided update from a comment on assessment papers from a member to ask for
everyone understands how to use email and contacting board members via email and the
subdivision website. It was clarified on how this process works and that questions can also be directed to Kurt or Teresa.

4. Old Business:
a) Update: Beach Drainage Pipe Project (update given by Kurt Moon)
- Hired Batterman Engineering Firm out of Elkhorn. Cost is around $8,000 for them to
survey and in process of title search for property lines.
- Waiting on as built plans for what they did with South Shore storage drains. Delmar
Drain Pipes that runs from storm system goes by our boat launch. The township
stands on we own the drain pipe – it is failing. If it fails – we will lose half of our boat
- Stressed that this is just do the engineering to get a plan but not for the work. They
will come up with 2 different proposals to give to town
- Kurt will attend meetings with Township and DNR meetings with them to get permits
- Timeline – next month to start meetings. After boating season and pier is out when
work will be done – does not know how much it will cost. Hoping our account will
cover the costs but may need special assessment.

b) Transmitters plan and implementation for 2024 (update given by Kurt Moon)
- Last year at meeting wanting to verify transmitters – due to lost records/ not being
kept in first place
- Kurt had 4-5 times last year to verify transmitters – start of this year any not verified
would be deactivated. Kurt will be down after the meeting today to verify transmitters
and will reactivate them.
- Kurt is the only one that knows how to do this – used to have Halverson door that
charged us – Kitty is going to be trained on how to work the system.
- There will be once LAST chance to verify transmitters on May 25th– no plans on
being down there after that. Otherwise will members will have to contact Kurt and
work out a time. If not verified and not a member in good standing, they will be
- Starting next year if not new transmitter and it is not verified there will be a surcharge
for use having to go down there and do it.
c) Management of liens (update given by Teresa Davis)
- We have a member of subdivision that will be serving as our “delinquency officer”
- Received a few payments about from sending out delinquent letters
- We are in the process of creating a system on how do this.
o Finding conflicting information about how to put in the process of doing the lien
and we are doing it correctly so nothing that can fall back on us
- This member will submit hourly fee and submit on monthly basis – budget has spot
of liens that – projected to do 7-9 liens on properties – price might have to increase
due to conflicting information about cost of lien-
d) Update on Duick Accounting Firm (update given by Teresa Davis)
o Duick is receiving dues, doing balance sheets, and communicating with us.
o They will file for us, income expense, deposits, things need to be done on monthly and
daily basis.
o Delmar makes list of who needs to pay and provides that to them.
o Paid positions (Treasurer, Secretary, VP and President) – makes so we pay less than
what we paid for management company
o Duick will give ¼ reports – Discussed the option post these onto website for everyone to
see and members felt that they put trust in us to oversee financials and make those
decisions - if members have question they can email and we can send that information
to members
o During this portion of the meeting it was brought up about online option for
payment/dues next year. We discussed how our hope is that we will have an online
payment method figured out by this time next year.

5. New Business
● Discussion of Craft Show & Subdivision Rummage Sale
○ Paula provided update we have 25 crafters signed up and more members get
today to sign up (Traveling Crafters of Southern Wisconsin)
○ There will be food for sale and dish to pass for picnic.
○ For Rummage Sale to be in compliance with Town of Delavan Ordnance there is
permit fee of $5
○ Discussion of registration park for rummage sale for people to bring their stuff
here in future. Making sure people clean up after themselves and discussion of
registration/sign up for having it here next year.

6. BOD Openings: 3 Openings
*Must be willing to work on at least one of the six committees throughout the year, as well as
attend 3-4 meetings per year as a director. This would include the Annual and End of Year
General Meetings, as well as the Budget Meeting and any planning meetings that are
scheduled. Additionally, must be willing to actively replay and provide input to all questions and
requests from other BOD members throughout the year via phone, text and email.
o Sue is stepping down and Gwen stepped down in February
o Kitty is renewing her position
o New Board Members
o Paula Beanes
o Bryant Meinel
o Majority approves those to step up to be on the board

6. Upcoming meetings
2024 year end meeting 9/21/24 at Park Pavilion at 10am.
-Suggestion of picnic after 4th of July parade and talk about food truck for next year
- Suggestion to have place on website to recommend contractors/landscapers – we will update the current listing

7. Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn Meeting: Teresa Davis
2nd by Ron Torrey
Time :11:39

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